Client Rights
& Responsibilities

The journey to wellness and healing is yours to decide to choose your path. Your experience with a psychotherapist and social worker consists of rights and responsibilities that you posses.

As a client you have the right to be safe and secure within the sessions. Our clinicians seek to operate in a professional and ethical manner that follows the standards of the Ethical Standards established by each clinician’s governing body.

All records of therapy are kept in a file and available to you upon, if deemed legal and of therapeutic value.

You also have the right to be informed of the qualifications of the therapist working with you, as well as the right to decline or accept suggestions or therapeutic recommendations. We will remind of these rights and choices throughout our therapeutic relationship. We do not sell products directly, but if we make suggestions for books or other materials, it is your choice if you believe it would be helpful for you.

Termination of the therapy relationship will be made by you or by a collaborative decision between us both. In the event, we decide to terminate therapy, we suggest three final sessions to develop a positive closure.

As a client you have the responsibility to set and keep appointments on a regular basis as determined ahead of time. 

It is important for you to work with us around developing your treatment plans and check in with me in every session around goals. It is also important to keep us informed of your progress towards meeting your goals and to terminate your therapy relationship before entering into arrangements with another counselor.

As a therapist we record notes and reports for your clinical records. You have rights to review your file upon your request verbally or in writing. Information may be shared amongst applicable Aset Group staff if appropriate.

Records are kept on site at the main office at all times. Once you terminate involvement or for a child/youth once they reach 18 years old, files must be maintained for at least seven years.

Most of the information is confidential, and will not be shared. Many times, clients will be able to take their art work and scrapbook home to bridge work done within sessions to their caregivers.

There are some exceptions and they include:

  • The provision of a signed consent of a release of information,
  • If I believe you are going to hurt yourself, you are being hurt or are going to hurt another person,
  • If there is a disclosure in therapy of neglect, abuse or exploitation of a child under the age of 16, I am ordered by legislation to disclosure information,
  •  Or if the court requests me to release information.

In addition, to adhere to professional standards and ethics need to discuss cases in formal supervision and also view video tapes of sessions which are used only for supervision, and will continue to meet this requirement by professional association. We will not use reference to full names to protect confidentiality to consultants or supervisors.