Training &
Workshop Catalogue

Equity Training & Organizational Development
Addressing the Un-Comfortable
Being uncomfortable during discussions of inequity is part of the process of unlearning. Learn how to engage in uncomfortable conversations and stay present throughout discussions.

Parenting & Healthy Living
Learn about the styles of attachment, and the importance of attachment-focused parenting.

Mental Health & Treatment
Becoming A Therapist
Understand the steps required to shift from education to practice, address interpersonal experiences and strength, explore countertransference and transference, and building therapeutic relationships.

Parenting & Healthy Living
Better Living and Wellness
Holistic living is focused on creating balance in all dimensions of the self. Learn how to create a self care plan.

Mental Health & Treatment
Building Resiliency
Learn the importance of building your inner strength and ability to manage and adapt to difficult experiences.eq

Mental Health & Treatment
Clinical Training
A host of clinical trainings to support clients through the therapeutic relationship, establishing change, and treatment interventions.

Parenting & Healthy Living
Co-Parenting with Ease
Learn healthy ways to co-parent, to focus on the best interests of the children, and deal with conflict successfully.

Equity Training & Organizational Development
Culturally Informed Approaches
Learn how to support the development of culturally informed practices within your organization, and how to ‘unlearn’ practices deemed harmful for your service users.

Mental Health & Treatment
Culturally-informed Lens Treatment
Understanding the key strategies to work with individuals using a culturally-informed lens, and best practices for assessment and treatment.

Parenting & Healthy Living
Dealing with Difficult Behaviour
Learn strategies and tips to support children with behaviour difficulties, and improve your relationship and connection.

Parenting & Healthy Living
Grief and Loss Training
Learn how to manage grief and loss situations, and transition to healing within the whole family.

Parenting & Healthy Living
Healthy Discipline
Learn ways to discipline children, and youth that builds their self-confidence, reinforces healthy behaviour and skills, and strengthens relationships.

Mental Health & Treatment
Mental Health Awareness
Understanding the importance of mental wellness, and learn about challenges people may experience.

Mental Health & Treatment
Play Therapy
Learn how to use a culturally-informed approach to working with children, youth and adults, and develop strategies for creating change and therapeutic relationships.

Equity Training & Organizational Development
Understanding Equity
Learn about historical experiences which have contributed to systemic oppression in Canada. Identify how equity can re-shape systems and institutions and the necessary steps needed.

"Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world."
Nelson Mandela